
Time to learn a new sport taking the world by storm?

This is your way to get learning in the most amazing sailing conditions here at Grafham Water.

Wingfoiling First Flights  

Progress the pre-learnt skills of wingsurfing, taking them to the next level and learning to wingfoil. This course will assist you in understanding and achieving your first flights in both directions and gaining the knowledge to increase flight time. 

At the end of this course you will be able to setup, launch and recover wingfoiling equipment safely, making your first take offs and short flights on the foil.  You will also improve your knowledge and understanding of equipment available and opportunities for continuing, including the next wing-foiling progression of sustaining flight. 

  • 8-10 hours, please check availability to see if we're offering as two short days or a long full day  
girl going wingsurfing
girl wingfoiling

Wingfoiling Sustained Flights 

Prerequisites: Wingfoiling skills to the standard or Wingfoiling First Flights  

Advanced your skills and foiling knowledge to achieve longer, sustained flights, holding ground upwind and downwind on the foil and working on gybing entries from a foiling position. 

By the end of the sustained flights course you will have an increase knowledge of how foils work, improved skill level enabling you to enjoy longer foiling flights, make effective ground up and downwind, and progressing on to entering a gybe from a foiling position, in a variety of conditions. 

  • 8-10 hours, please check availability to see if we're offering as two short days or a long full day  

Book Your Course

Visit our booking portal to check availability and book online.